
Kids say the darndest things

Yesterday in a junior high school class, the students were practicing a conversation that went like this:
Student A: Hey Student B, you always look happy at school. Do you like school?
Student B: Yes, I do. I come to school to enjoy our classes.
The point of the activity was to practice the "I do ~~~ to ~~~" construction. The students all made pairs and were supposed to perform their own version of the dialogue, although most pairs just stuck to the model (you have to admit, it is a riveting conversation). The last group to go, however, decided to get creative:
Student A: Hey Student B, you always look happy on Easter Island. Do you like Easter Island?
Student B: Yes, I do. I come to Easter Island to seem wise.
Apparently the last chapter in their book had featured Easter Island as a topic. To anyone who says we don't teach useful things, I offer this conversation as proof to the contrary.


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