
On America

Coming back to America after 3 years in Japan, I've noticed many things that never caught my attention before. My friends are probably pretty annoyed with some of my observations--sometimes I must sound like an alien who's landed on earth or someone who traveled from centuries ago and accidently ended up in modern times. While I like to think that I used sound educated--often discussing politics or making witty observations (I do flatter myself here), now most of my conversations go a little more like this:

Me: "Look at all the trees."

Friend (turning to other friend): "Since returning from Japan, MatchaMonkey won't stop talking about the trees."

Me: "Ohh, look how green. Were there always this many trees? I mean, there are trees, like, everywhere."

Friend: "Yes, there were. So what do you think about this war in Lebanon?"

Me: "...it's just SO GREEN. There's even grass! Look at the grass!"

Friend: "How do the Japanese feel about this war? Whose side are they on?"

Me (drooling on car window): "Treeeees."

Besides the abundance of trees, I have picked up on some interesting things about American and Americans that I never noticed before.

People smell. I mean this in a good way. As I mentioned before, it's generally frowned on if you smell to sweet in Japan, but in America everyone seems to be wearing distinct perfumes. I like it.

Portions are huge. I don't know how I used to eat so much. Now I can hardly finish a meal if I go to a restaurant. Not to mention the fact that I can't get a short at Starbucks.

It's incredibly green. I constantly feel like I've been dropped in the middle of a rain forest. There are so many trees and so much grass.

People are naked. While I think the Japanese are a little overly conservative in their dress code (exposed lower back or shoulders are taboo), I think many Americans could stand to cover up just a little more. I know it's hot and everything, I but I really don't need to see your stomach or ass hanging out of your clothes.

...The rest of my observations are too numerous and mundane to be named here... The streets are wide, the cars are big, the food is cheap, the people are talkative, etc. You knew all this already; I just forgot it for a little while.


Blogger Michaelpanda said...

omfg, sweetie i laughed so hard at this post. (no lie!) it's so brilliant and perfectly captures exactly what it's like going back to america after being in japan.

it was all just so.... green.

*wipes tear from his eye*

wonderful post ;)

8/25/2006 01:14:00 PM  

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